Joh's Build Order Reference

19 pop faster archers

Resources wood food gold stone builders
3 to build 3 houses, then to sheep 3
6 on sheep 6
1 to build lumber camp then to wood 6 1
1 more to wood 2 6
8 more to food under tc, remember to lure deer 2 14
1 to build mine then to gold 2 14 1
2 more to food under tc 2 16 1
click up at around 7-9 minutes 2 16 1
Advancing to Feudal
slowly transfer food vills to wood as tc meat runs out 13 5 1
build a barracks and a house 12 5 1 1
feudal reached at 9-10 minutes 12 5 1 1
vector villagers to gold, or wood if needed 12+ 5 1+ 1
build 2 archery ranges and a blacksmith when possible 12+ 5 5+ 1
produce 4 archers asap, research fletching 12+ 5 5+ 1
send at least 4 archers and scout to attack, keep sending reinforcements 12+ 5 5+ 1
build mill with 5 food vills when necessary 12+ 5 5+ 1
build a ring of farms around tc, use excess gold miners if necessary 12+ 8-12 5+ 1(continue to build houses etc)
react to battle situation, continue to vector tc to wood or gold,
try to remember to click up before 20 minutes
12+ 8-12 5+ 1
Advancing to Castle
research double bit axe 12+ 8-12 5+ 1
This is the end of the build, i usually switch to knights and cav archers
and might attempt to pull my archers back to act as a small defense force.
hopefully you'll have done enough damage to simply win by playing normally at this point.
12+ 8-12 5+ 1


I got this from a hera video he posted on september 15th 2022, it's different from hera's normal archer rush, it's not his. In the past all archer rushes have really done for me is ruin my economy and get me killed by knights after my archers all run into the enemy tc and die. This rush is different, with this one i feel like I have something where if they don't do the same thing or respond to it exactly right, i will definitely have an advantage, instead of the regular feeling of if i make one mistake, i'll be at a disadvantage.

This build order puts me in a position to still go to the castle age and have other options, it doens't even matter if they eventually kill my archers, though i am working on developing a sense of when to pull them back and thinking of maybe getting a siege workshop with a ram and scorpion they could escort to attack houses with, or i could use them as a home defense force, or maybe do something annoying like build a tower or small battle box somewhat near the enemy, or maybe my 2nd tc, so if they counterattack me at home, they'll still be in a difficult position. If i did go castle i would definitely get cav archers and camels if i were the tatars. And i think i'll have the money to go to those options, because the only thing this rush requires of your economy is a fast feudal, then a pretty normal economy with like 6-10 farms, not 14 or 16 or something like that, farms just need your attention one time, then they're set and the trickle of food should be enough to keep vills coming out to either gold or wood, usually gold, gold being easy to achieve because of my tc hotkey on the side of my mouse. i don't have to look at my town as much as i usually do, and that lets me focus on the battle more, where i can do enough damage to keep them behind me in wood and gold, and probably about equal to me in farms. I press ctrl A to highlight both ranges and vector them to whatever area i need them to be near at the moment.

In a maybe unrelated note, i've stopped wanting food to last a long time, I guess that thought always came from wanting to have a balanced economy with a certain amount of people on each resource, that's not the way i should think at all though because there's a certain amount of food (350+350+800(1200? for tatars)+maybe 1k from berries =2500-3000?) you get from hunting and sheep and berries, and once it's in the bank, it's in the bank, i should want to collect all that food i can as quick as possible so that i can send villagers to wood and gold. As for farms, i should want a low number of them until castle age, instead of wishing i had 20 or something. there's such a thing as too many farms in feudal. I really like hera's way of casually making sure there's a ring of farms around the tc, and that's good enough to make more woodcutters and gold miners, then if you need to you can eventually trade to click up, it's hard to remember to do it before 20 minutes if your archers are doing well on the battlefield, but i'm going to get better at that.

Having a balanced economy or a magic number of villagers on each resource has always been an appealing part of the game to me. I used to think and I still kinda feel like exactly 10 on wood, 10 on food, 5 on gold, 2 on stone = solid economy, but in the last few years since de came out, i've slowly learned that this isn't always true. I've always liked the sense of organization i felt while getting this sort of thing just right at just the right time, and this idea of magic numbers and a perfect economy is part of the point of build orders in fact, but it isn't the whole story of how things actually work. The idea of a balanced or perfect economy also is a more helpful type of skill or discipline the longer the game takes, which is one reason why noobs like me like to wall up, miraculously kill 20 crossbows with a mangronel shot, go run around and kill 30 woodcutters with 5 scouts, and stretch the game out, finally making a huge army after about a 2 hour standoff, with a perfectly balanced economy that looks something like 50 woodcutters, 100 farms, 100 trade carts, and a large stone base shaped like star fort modeled after Vauban's Neuf Brisach. I actually consider there to be another age, after the post imperial age, i guess it would be the enlightenment age. It costs at least 30,000 gold to get to it, so you've really got to delay your opponents for quite a while, maybe you could delay them by basically winning then retreating back to safe territory in the first 5 minutes with a tc drop or something. With such a fort, i like to take advantage of either longer range cannons and more cannons than the enemy is attacking with, or my new way, cav archers running in and out, harassing any force setting up to attack and luring them in to a narrow space where they can only hit one cav archer at a time while being pelted by bombard towers. This all makes for a very historically accurate and very time consuming siege, where victory eventually comes when the enemy simply has to give up because they have a life, a family, and places they need to be. I still love this way of fighting, but it doesn't work on a tiny 2 v 2 arabia map, and also doesn't work with strangers who believe(due to their experiences on tiny arabia maps) that defenses don't work and will resign if they see you build even one tower. I might make a separate page on here about this, here is a link to mbl beating hera using a similar time consuming, but actually not as well thought out defensive strategy to the one i try to use, and they absolutely hate it, they think it's dumb because they don't even know what to do when the game gets to that point, they really can't stop spamming each other the way they play and yes because of their experience, apm, and unit control, either one of them would easily beat me, but it's also true that either one of them could have easily won the game a lot sooner with some of the knowledge that i have, that they don't. Most people seem to despise defensive, time consuming warfare, but I love it, i think it's better than any fight with 2 spearmen and a skirmisher vs 5 scouts could ever be. There's huge armies, huge walls, it's an endless exhausting trench war, like a 100 round boxing match from the 1800s. it's not just i make 4 archers in 10 minutes and you resign, no, it's age of empires as it should be. But i should be able to do both. So I'm trying to not believe in the magic numbers and the balanced economy anymore, at least not in the first 30 minutes of the game.

By the way, the last game, my deer push build order included a recording with the type of defenses I am talking about.

Hera's example of this archer rush

My attempt to use this in a ranked game, map has no boar so advancing took everyone longer